Tag Archives: update
3 new hosting volumes!
Effective immediately, we have implemented a new hosting volume and web servers to serve the volume. This is ‘vol12’. All new hosting accounts will be assigned to this volume, until input/output comes up to speed. This will give the net effect of all other hosting volumes improving in speed due to reduced workload per volume. […]
vPanel V3 coming soon…
Hello all, vPanel v3 is incoming! This will be a defining free hosting control panel. We would like any (serious) input feature/usability wise that you would like to see in the panel as a end user. Suggestions should be ‘possible’ and ‘reasonable’ and can be posted here. XtreemHost
SQL Quota updates
Hello all, With effect immediately, MySQL disk usage per free customer is now limited to 50MB, this unfortunately has been needed to be set to maintain the SQL stability we give for free to all users. If you are over this quota you will be mailed, and should reduce your SQL usage using phpMyAdmin (or […]
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